Sunday, October 3, 2010

Paraffin...Mmm Mmm Good!

The seasons are rapidly changing, temperatures are dropping quickly, and these conditions can wreak havoc on our skin, especially our hands and feet. By getting a paraffin wax treatment, you will not only be indulging in a warm treat, but also softening, moisturizing, and rejuvenating dry skin. In addition, the treatment increases blood circulation and relieves aching joints.

A paraffin wax treatment is an add-on service that can be performed as part of your manicure or pedicure. Your nail care specialist will dip your hands or feet into a warm paraffin bath, place a plastic covering over the area being treated, and insulate with a cotton mitten. After some time, the wax is massaged off.  Upon completion of your treatment, your hands and feet will have a soothing feeling thanks to the calming oils infused in the wax.    
If you experience frequent joint pain or have arthritis, you can definitely benefit from a paraffin treatment. If you suffer from dry skin, impaired circulation or skin irritations, you should consult your physician first. In addition, if you are a senior, you may be more sensitive to the heat of warm paraffin due to various medications or thinning skin; therefore you should seek approval from your physician as well.

So treat yourself today to a relaxing paraffin wax treatment. Your hands, feet, and joints will thank you!

1 comment:

  1. The paraffin treatment I received yesterday was great! My hands are so soft! Goodbye dishpan hands! Thanks Leah!
